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Jeff Britton Art

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Artist Jeff Britton was born in 1958 in Salisbury, Maryland. As a child, he concentrated on drawing and playing sports. After high school, he received a college basketball scholarship. At the age of 22, he decided to be a painter, after seeing a book in his local library on the great masters. Jeff Britton wants to show in his work the idea, which hides itself behind so-called reality. He's seeking a bridge from the visible to the invisible: "If you wish to get hold of the invisible you must penetrate as deeply as possible into the visible. When spiritual, metaphysical, material things come into my life, I can only fix them by way of painting. It is not the subject, which matters, but the translation of the subject into the abstraction of the surface by means of painting. So I hardly need to abstract anything for each object is unreal enough already, so unreal that I can only make it real by means of painting."
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