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Brad Brown Art

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Art Brokerage: Brad Brown was born in Raleigh, NC in 1964. His education includes a BA from Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA, and a BFA from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC. Brad commented on his own work in 1990, "My work deals with fragmentation and unity and repetition and variation, and that's where printmaking really lives." Brad Brown works predominantly on paper. About his working process, he has said, “I have heaps of drawings and they are underfoot and in the way, so they are being marked even when I’m not consciously working on them. Sometimes I use a drawing as a drop cloth or a palette for another, and sometimes my oil medium or something else drips or spills and stains a bunch of them. I want all aspects of the process to be visible, and walking around the studio and stepping on things is part of the process.” Brown culls poetic fragments from his drawings through folding, tearing, reassembling, and reworking them. Maria Porges wrote in Art in America in 2001 that “Brown’s drawings exude an air of poetic, random inspiration, that of someone looking with intensity at anything and everything. Brown draws primarily with charcoal, in a line simultaneously confident and dreamy. Though other materials, oil paint and ink, are used to add splotches of color, the compositions read as essentially black and white, dominated by the artist’s virtuosic mark-making.”
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