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Judy Chicago Art

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B. 1939 - Judy Chicago is an artist, feminist, humanist, educator and author whose career has spanned over four decades. She is a founder of the Feminist Art movement. In the early seventies, she created the pioneering Feminist Art Program at California State University and later at the California Institute of the Arts. Throughout her career, she has continued to make art a vehicle for intellectual transformation and social change. She is an internationally acclaimed artist and author of many best selling books including Through the Flower: My struggle as a Woman Artist and The Dinner Party: A Symbol of our Heritage. Fragments From the Delta Of Venus is a collection of images based on the erotic writing of Anais Nin and was published in 2004 by Power House Books.
Art Wanted - Art Brokerage clients are currently looking for the following works of art

Associated Artists

Charles Arthur Arnoldi - 3 listing(s) VIEW ARTIST PAGE

Viola Frey - 0 listing(s) VIEW ARTIST PAGE

Annie Leibovitz - 0 listing(s) VIEW ARTIST PAGE

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