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Karl Albert Art

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Art Brokerage: (1911-2007) Karl Albert was born in Halstead, Kansas in 1911. He grew up in Wyoming and moved to southern California with his family in 1923. He began painting about 1930 while working as a postmaster in Oro Grande, a small town in the Mojave desert. In 1933 he met Edgar Payne with whom he studied for two years while accompanying him on painting forays into the High Sierra and the desert around Palm Springs. He then studied with Sam Hyde Harris at the Businessmen's Art Institute in Los Angeles and substituted for Harris at that school when the latter could not keep his teaching commitments. During World War Two he began work as an engineer making products vital to the war effort while studying at the Art Center School in Pasadena. After a year in Cuernavaca, Mexico in the mid-1940s, he returned to Los Angeles. Retiring from engineering in 1967, he began painting full-time. Before 1960 he painted impressionist canvases en plein air, but since that time he has confined his painting to his studio, producing works in a much tighter style.
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