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Rosalea Murphy Art

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Art Brokerage: In the 1940s Rosalea Murphy moved to Santa Fe from her hometown, New Orleans, and within a few years purchased a 300 year old adobe building and opened her own restaurant, The Pink Adobe, where she became famous for her gypsy stew, chicken enchiladas, and apple pie. She also became famous for her paintings, filling the restaurant and bar with her tables and canvases. She was a close friend of George Rodrigue, well known for his paintings of blue dogs. Rosalea’s restaurant became a popular haunt for local musicians and artists, including Georgia O’Keefe. She lived to the age of 88 and was buried wearing her “R” and “M” earrings, made by Doug Magnus, along with her custom made Scott Wayne boots.
Art Wanted - Art Brokerage clients are currently looking for the following works of art

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