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  • Nikolay Prokopenko Bio Image
  • Nikolay Prokopenko


    Art Brokerage: Nikolay Prokopenko Ukrainian Artist: Nikolay Prokopenko was born in Odessa, Ukraine in 1945. Educated in Odessa National Art College from 1964 to 1971 and in Kiev Academy of Arts during 1971-1977, Nikolay Prokopenko is a Member of the National Union of Artists and a Member of the National Union of Theatrical Workers. He is an "Honored Artist of Ukraine", prize-winner of international, Ukrainian and regional exhibitions and also winner in an array of international biennials. He is a painter, graphic artist and book graphic-illustrator. He held 56 solo exhibitions and participated in 10 biennale during twenty years of his creative life. Recognized as the "Ukrainian Picasso"; many of his works are in collections of Ukrainian & Russian State Museums; the world's famous Pompidou Centre in Paris; the National Libraries of France, Holland, Poland & Mexico, in galleries and private collections in Germany, Spain, Romania, Greece and Switzerland. More than sixty six museums and galleries of the world collect his paintings. Original paintings wanted.

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