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"Weathering the Storm Bronze Sculpture 2018 20 in" by Andrew Myers - đŸ”¥Limited Edition Bronze Sculpture - Inquire
Weathering the Storm Bronze Sculpture 2018 20 in Sculpture by Andrew Myers
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Weathering the Storm Bronze Sculpture 2018 20 in Sculpture by Andrew Myers - 0
Weathering the Storm Bronze Sculpture 2018 20 in Sculpture by Andrew Myers - 1
Weathering the Storm Bronze Sculpture 2018 20 in Sculpture by Andrew Myers - 2
Weathering the Storm Bronze Sculpture 2018 20 in Sculpture by Andrew Myers - 3
Weathering the Storm Bronze Sculpture 2018 20 in Sculpture by Andrew Myers - 4
Weathering the Storm Bronze Sculpture 2018 20 in Sculpture by Andrew Myers - 5

Weathering the Storm Bronze Sculpture 2018 20 in

Andrew Myers

Sculpture : Bronze
Size : 20x18 x12 in  |  51x46 x30 cm
Edition : From the Edition of 50, Edition is Not Numbered

Motivated Seller Reduced
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Artist Bio


Hand SignedOn Base 

Condition Excellent 

Purchased fromArtist 2019 

Certificate of AuthenticityAndrew Myers 

Additional InformationMotivated 


Andrew Myers - United States

Art Brokerage: Andrew Myers American Artist: Andrew Myers is the inventor of Screw Art which became his signature artwork. Screw Art is composed of thousands of screws that get drilled into a wood board closely to each other but at different depths to create a three-dimensional sculptural relief resembling precise shapes. Each screw head becomes a steel canvas that gets painted over with a minuscule paint brush to reveal the actual image in color. With this technique, Andrew manages to turn an industrial roughness of a screw into beautiful and delicate imagery. Even though Screw Art is our best seller, Andrew is constantly thinking of new ideas and mediums for his art. With over 20 years of experience as a professional artist, Andrew Myers's work pushes the boundaries of artistic expression. Andrew strives to create intelligent and original concepts. His work has been in major shows and is in many collections around the world. Listings wanted.

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