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  • Daniela Schweinsberg Bio Image
  • Daniela Schweinsberg


    Art Brokerage: Daniela Schweinsberg German Artist: Daniela Schweinsberg is a German abstract artist whose lyrical paintings derive their raucous power from a mix of raw emotion, vibrant color, and layers of energetic brushstrokes. Working in the emotionally charged, gestural tradition of painters like Cy Twombly, Joan Mitchell and Georges Mathieu, Daniela Schweinsberg extends the legacies of Tachism, Lyrical Abstraction and Abstract Expressionism, creating powerful, layered paintings that speak in brutal harmony with the chaotic beauty of the out time. Using a diverse range of media, including oils, acrylics and spray paint, along with natural materials such as ash, plaster and sand, Schweinsberg builds her compositions up slowly through an intuitive process of adding and erasure, guided all the while by feeling. Schweinsberg keeps a sketchbook, but mostly the inspiration for her paintings comes from unexpected encounters in her life, such as personal interactions or reactions she may have to a specific colour or texture in the everyday visual environment. From there, each work takes on a visual life of its own, as the composition becomes like an improvised visual symphony: rhythm and tempo are expressed through gesture; fleeting melodies take shape in expressive, calligraphic bursts; harmonies build through shapes, lines and textures; and structure finally emerges through the layered relationships of color fields and forms. Listings wanted.

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