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  • Dr. Kees Thijn Bio Image
  • Dr. Kees Thijn


    Art Brokerage: Kees Thijn Dutch Artist: Born in the Netherlands, and resident of the city of Groningen, Kees Thijn is a professional and self taught artist, continuously active since 1966. Painting became an important tool to him to express his inner visions and emotions He has created a rich pictorial, original and very personal work. He paints imaginative, figurative paintings with a mix of influences going from symbolism, surrealism, classicism and allegoric art. He also paints realistic, symbolic portraits and still life¹s. The fineness and the precision of the paintings are enhanced by the richness of colors and hues, allowing the artist to express some of his passions, such as life, nature, humanism and politics. The whole of his work is meant to be a celebration of life. To the more careful observer Kees Thijn loves to show fine composite and complex images, with hidden details and compositions revealing a secondary symbolism, which remains forever vivid. Kees Thijn is frequently represented in various national and international exhibitions and art shows. His works have been acquired by museums such as the Drents Museum (Assen, NL), Museum ³Het Markiezenhof²(Bergen op Zoom, NL), Stedelijk Museum (Zwolle, NL), the University Medical Centre (Groningen, NL) and by many corporate and private collectors in the Netherlands and abroad.

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