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  • Dzemma Skulme Bio Image
  • Dzemma Skulme


    Art Brokerage: Dzemma Skulme Russian Artist: Dzemma Skulme graduated from the Academy of Arts (Riga) in 1949 and Repine Institute of Arts (Leningrad) in 1955. She subsequently took part in various exhibitions in Latvia, Switzerland, Italy, the United States (International Art Expo, Chicago, 1984) and Germany (International Art Fair, Hamburg, 1991). She has also held individual exhibitions at galleries in Austria, Germany, Canada, and the United States. Some of Dzemma Skulme's works are on display at the State Museum of Art in Riga, the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow and Zimmerly Art Museum (the United States). Her works are in the collections of the Presidents of France and Russia, and the Queen of Denmark. Listings wanted.

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Wanted: Dzemma Skulme

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