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"Black And Blue 1968" by Jean Coulot - Framed Limited Edition Signed Serigraph $1,600
Black And Blue 1968 Limited Edition Print by Jean Coulot
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Black And Blue 1968

Jean Coulot

Limited Edition Print : Serigraph
Size : 26x20 in  |  66x51 cm
Framed : 34x28 in  |  86x71 cm
Edition : From the edition of 24

Listing Info
Artist Bio


Hand SignedIn Lower Right , Pencil. 

Condition Excellent 

Framed with GlassBlack Lacquer, White Linen Mat, Black Fillet 

Purchased fromPrivate Collector 

Certificate of AuthenticityLas Vegas Art Appraisers 


Jean Coulot - France

Art Brokerage: Jean Coulot French Artist: b. 1928-2010. Jean Coulot is a French painter of Swiss origin, belonging to the new School of Paris , born the April 13 , 1928 in Neuchâtel (Switzerland) and died on March 27 , 2010 in Paris. Drawing since childhood, Jean Coulot began painting in 1948. After attending a school of agriculture and then a business school he decided to devote himself to painting. He meets the painter Pierre-Eugène Bouvier, whose classes he is attending. In 1953, he obtained a grant from the French government and, after a stay in the Camargue, moved to Paris. He met the painter Gustave Singier at the Ranson Academy, the poet Jean Lescure and the critic Jean-Louis Ferrier, and assists as a free auditor in the classes of Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Gaston Bachelard . He made his first solo show in Paris in 1961. There are many themes addressed by Jean Coulot in his paintings, from the landscapes of Esterel (1974) or Antibes (1983-1985), Sanary (1988-1989), Greece (1990), Brittany (1991) and from Auvergne to nude (from 1968) or to bathers (1974). From 1977 to 2003, Jean Coulot also directed several series of evocations of jazz players, which he is passionate about, including Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie, Sidney Bechet, Charlie Mingus and Thelonious Monk. Listings wanted.

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