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"Lavender Fields Embellished" by Barbara McCann - Framed Limited Edition Lithograph
Lavender Fields Embellished Limited Edition Print by Barbara McCann
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Lavender Fields Embellished Limited Edition Print by Barbara McCann - 1

Lavender Fields Embellished

Barbara McCann

Limited Edition Print : Lithograph
Size : 40x40 in  |  102x102 cm
Framed : 37.5x37 in  |  95x94 cm
Edition : From the edition of 200

Listing Info
Artist Bio

Hand SignedLower Right Gold Paint 

Condition Excellent 

Framed without GlassWood Frame 

Purchased fromAuction House 2007 

Certificate of AuthenticityArt Brokerage 


Barbara McCann - United States

Art Brokerage: Barbara McCann American Artist: B. 1954 - 2011. Barbara McCann creates scenes that the viewer feels he or she can walk right into. Her use of the palette knife adds a textural level to her images, which contributes to the overall impression of liveliness. This heavy impasto technique imbues objects and figures with an air of solidity and dimension. It is a technique well-suited to her impressionistic style. Barbara's love of light, use of rich, saturated color, and application of heavily textured paints mark her as as an heir to the impressionists' ideals - to create works that concentrate on the feelings a scene evokes rather than the accurate reproduction of "reality." Light, shadow, color, texture, and perspective are the fundamental elements Barbara uses to create visions of warmth and wonder, full of life and light. Barbara passed away 2011. Listings wanted.

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