"Untitled Painting 37x49" by Giner Bueno - Oil on Canvas $4,500
Untitled Painting 37x49 Original Painting by Giner Bueno
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Untitled Painting 37x49 Original Painting by Giner Bueno - 1
Untitled Painting 37x49 Original Painting by Giner Bueno - 2

Untitled Painting 37x49

Giner Bueno

Original Painting : Oil on Canvas
Size : 7.09x11.81 in  |  18x30 cm
Framed : 37x49 in  |  94x124 cm

3 watchers
Listing Info
Artist Bio

Hand SignedLower Left in Pen 

Condition Excellent 

Framed with Glass 

Purchased fromGallery 1985 

Provenance / HistoryGaleria Los Geranios (Old Art Gallery in Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain) 

Certificate of AuthenticityArt Brokerage 


Giner Bueno - Spain

Art Brokerage: Giner Bueno Spanish Artist: b. 1935. Giner Bueno, was born in Godella, a town along the Valencian coast of Spain, in April of 1935. Valencia itself is a highly industrial city, but in the surrounding villages people lead much simpler lives. Bueno received his passion for painting from his father, Luis Giner Vallas, who was a distinguished landscape painter backed by prestigious awards and exhibitions in important art galleries. At the age of twelve, Giner was given watercolors and oil paints so that he could join his father and his friends while they painted. Giner Bueno became an exceptional impressionist himself. His talent matured as a student at La Academia de Bellas Artes of San Carlos in Valencia, and continued to develop later in Paris. During his lifetime, he has participated in over fifty shows and has received countless awards. His paintings are exhibited at the Municipal Archive Museum of Valencia, the Museo Real Maestranza de Caballeria de Seville, the Florida Museum of Hispanic and Latin American Art and in private collections all throughout Europe and the United States. Chief-Editor and art critic of El Periodico de Catalunya newspaper in Spain, Josep Cadena, notes, The paintings of Giner Bueno allow us to identify with that which is undying in the human personality, with that which, being so intimate, we frequently do not dare draw attention to, and with that which in his paintings we reclaim with obvious pleasure. Listings wanted by Art Brokerage.

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