"Untitled Bronze Sculpture 1980 8x5 in" by Igor Mitoraj -
Untitled Bronze Sculpture 1980 8x5 in Sculpture by Igor Mitoraj
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Untitled Bronze Sculpture 1980 8x5 in Sculpture by Igor Mitoraj - 0
Untitled Bronze Sculpture 1980 8x5 in Sculpture by Igor Mitoraj - 1
Untitled Bronze Sculpture 1980 8x5 in Sculpture by Igor Mitoraj - 2
Untitled Bronze Sculpture 1980 8x5 in Sculpture by Igor Mitoraj - 3
Untitled Bronze Sculpture 1980 8x5 in Sculpture by Igor Mitoraj - 4
Untitled Bronze Sculpture 1980 8x5 in Sculpture by Igor Mitoraj - 5
Untitled Bronze Sculpture 1980 8x5 in Sculpture by Igor Mitoraj - 6

Untitled Bronze Sculpture 1980 8x5 in

Igor Mitoraj

Sculpture : Bronze Green Patina
Size : 8x5 x5 in  |  20x13 x13 cm
Edition :

Listing Info
Artist Bio


Foundry Signature w/ StampSigned 

Condition Excellent 

Provenance / HistoryAbells Auction Los Angles 

Certificate of AuthenticityArt Brokerage 


Igor Mitoraj - Poland

Art Brokerage: Igor Mitoraj Polish Artist: b. 1944. He studied painting at the Kraków School of Art and at the Kraków Academy of Art under Tadeusz Kantor. After graduating, he had several joint exhibitions, and held his first solo exhibition in 1967 at the Krzysztofory Gallery in Poland. In 1968, he moved to Paris to continue his studies at the National School of Art. Shortly afterwards, he became fascinated by Latin American art and culture, spending a year painting and travelling around Mexico. The experience led him to take up sculpture. He returned to Paris in 1974 and two years later he held another major solo exhibition at the Gallery La Hune, including some sculptural work. The success of the show persuaded him that he was first and foremost a sculptor. Having previously worked with terracotta and bronze, a trip to Carrara, Italy, in 1979 turned him to using marble as his primary medium and in 1983 he set up a studio in Pietrasanta. In 2006, he created the new bronze doors and a statue of John the Baptist for the basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Rome. In 2003 he returned to Poland. In 2005 he received the Golden Medal of Medal for Merit to Culture - Gloria Artist 2012 he received the Commander's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta. Listings wanted by Art Brokerage.

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