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"Sydney Harbour Scene" by Ken Done - We have buyers for well priced Ken Done paintings
Sydney Harbour Scene Original Painting by Ken Done
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Sydney Harbour Scene Original Painting by Ken Done - 0
Sydney Harbour Scene Original Painting by Ken Done - 1

Sydney Harbour Scene

Ken Done

Original Painting : Oil And Acrylic on Paper
Size : 18.5x27.5 in  |  47x70 cm
Framed : 31.1x40.16 in  |  79x102 cm

Listing Info
Artist Bio


Hand SignedLower Right in Pen 

Condition Excellent 

Framed with GlassWooden Frame 

Provenance / HistoryOlivia Newton-John 

Certificate of AuthenticityOriginal Paintings Wanted by Art Brokerage 


Ken Done - Australia

Art Brokerage: Ken Done Australian Artist: b. 1940. Born June 29, 1940, in Sydney, Ken Done left school at 14 to enter the National Art School in East Sydney. After 5 years study, he commenced a highly successful career as an art director and designer in New York, London and Sydney. Ken Done's first solo exhibition was held in Sydney in 1980. Since then, he has held over 50 one-man shows, including major exhibitions in Australia, Europe, Japan and the USA. His work has been described as the most original style to come out of Australia, and his paintings are in collections throughout the world. Over the past few years, Ken has devoted most of his time to painting. His works have been shown in the Archibald, Sulman, Wynne, Blake, and Dobell Prizes. Major projects in a very diverse career include the painting of a BMW Artcar, and the total decorative scheme for the Garden Restaurant at the Powerhouse Museum, in Sydney. In 1994, a major retrospective 'Ken Done: the art of design' was mounted by the Powerhouse. The artist's first European exhibition was held in Paris, in 1996 to great acclaim. In 2000 and 2001 collections of Ken Done's original work were successfully premiered in Los Angeles and San Francisco and two sell-out shows were held in London. Listings wanted by Art Brokerage.

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