"Le Modele 2003 33x28" by Richard Burlet -
Le Modele 2003 33x28 Original Painting by Richard Burlet
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Le Modele 2003 33x28 Original Painting by Richard Burlet - 1
Le Modele 2003 33x28 Original Painting by Richard Burlet - 2
Le Modele 2003 33x28 Original Painting by Richard Burlet - 3

Le Modele 2003 33x28

Richard Burlet

Original Painting : Oil on Canvas
Size : 28x23 in  |  71x58 cm
Framed : 33x28 in  |  84x71 cm

Listing Info
Artist Bio


Hand Signed 

Condition Excellent 

Framed without Glass 

Provenance / HistoryGalerie Rocha, Paris, France 

Certificate of AuthenticityArt Brokerage has buyers waiting 


Richard Burlet - France

Art Brokerage: Richard Burlet French Artist: b. 1957. A French citizen, born in 1957, Burlet began painting at the age of 12 and was educated in fine arts in Nice, France. In 1977, he was accepted into the prestigious Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux Arts in Paris where he studied for two years. Burlet's passion is the Viennese Secession movement, in particular the works of Klimt. Of these works he is enamored by the refinement of figure and oriental influences, including Klimt's palette of warm, rich colors and the use of gold leaf. When not painting, Burlet travels frequently to Asia and the Middle East and lived for a time in Gabon, all of which heavily influences his artwork. In his paintings there is an earthiness combined with a sensual beauty, qualities associated with each of these exotic regions of the world. Burlet has had numerous exhibitions throughout Europe and the United States, most recently in Paris, Saint-Paul de Vence, Milan, Tokyo and New York. As well, his artwork has garnered recognition at shows throughout Europe, most notably at the Salon du Raincy, Conflans Ste Honorine and Salon d'Automne in Paris. His paintings are in private collections worldwide. Considered an abstract-figurative artist, the paintings created by Richard Burlet are born of an inspiration that is French by inclination and Viennese by influence. The complex imagery of Burlet's figurative paintings pays homage to a tradition in art that reigned supreme in Vienna in the late 1800s. The art, architecture and design of Vienna's "Golden Age", and the highly praised works of Gustav Klimt, are the greatest influences to Burlet's artwork.

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