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  • Giovanni Bruzzi Bio Image
  • Giovanni Bruzzi


    Art Brokerage: Giovanni Bruzzi Italian Artist: b. 1936. Figurative artist Giovanni Bruzzi was born in Florence, Italy, in 1936. Why figurative art? In Bruzzi's own words ... "I've always thought that painting could absolutely not do without figurative elements to be considered as great art. For this reason my production of pictures and drawings periodically consists in figures. Portraits, jazz musicians, female nudes, gamblers, Harlequins, gladiators and warriors have populated my canvasses, both small and big ones, for more that forty years. I will always recall with affection the friends and girls that have - patiently but also enthusiastically -posed for my various paintings, enabling - through their figures - my artistic creation to be expressed by works of exceptional level and fundamental importance. The iconography of my work is then completed by the most different subjects (e.g. old sign-boards, comic-strips, cereus, sponges, animals, birds, flowers, vegetables, shells, objects, dummies, dolls, puppets and countless illustrations in the field of magic and esoterism), and this because I've always loved exploring, in any direction, in search of new and stimulating forms to draw and paint." Listings wanted.

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