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  • Iskra Johnson Bio Image
  • Iskra Johnson

    United States

    Art Brokerage: Iskra Johnson American Artist: My primary body of work is focused on pushing digital printmaking as far as possible ninto "pure" printmaking where the digital fingerprint vanishes, subsumed by a sense of the tactile and mysterious, and transformed into a "printerly" work on paper. I use my original photography, non-toxic serigraphy, painting and various other media to create the elements of each piece. Layers of imagery and surface are then assembled digitally through a process of experimentation and improvisation, and the final artwork lives as a limited edition archival pigment print.I use digital techniques to create a new medium in which the aesthetics of hand-made mark making combine with technology to create a hybrid form that bridges present and past. Much of my work is anchored in a semblance of documentary photo-reality, countered by interruptions of surface and pictorial space. The interplay between digital and analog mirrors the themes of displacement and nostalgia unpeeled in navigating the modern world. Much of my work pays homage to the beauty of usefulness, whether found in the working waterfront or at the edge zones where urban and rural landscapes meet. The Japanese concept of wabi sabi, the aesthetic of impermanence and imperfection, deeply influences how I see and is reflected in the explorations of patina, surface and erosion throughout my art. Listings wanted.

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