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  • Neal Philpott Bio Image
  • Neal Philpott

    United States

    Art Brokerage: Neal Philpott American Artist: Neal Philpott, is a full-time painter who seeks to catch the fleeting nature of the West in his oil paintings. Originally from Michigan, Neal studied painting at the Center for Creative Studies in Detroit. His landscapes are an attempt to capture the transitory character of the natural world. He paints landscapes as a way to preserve or recall a particular scene that he would otherwise pass by. He looks for the overlapping patterns in nature for his subjects. Often these are more sensed than seen—taking careful observation of the nuanced colors and the multitude of details to discover the inherent composition in a landscape. Once these patterns reveal themselves, he interprets them with oil paint. He states: "My satisfaction with a painting comes from how well the distillation of the information I saw in a scene comes together to capture the mood." My hope for viewers is that they feel invited into the painting. I like to think of my paintings as gateways into a different way of seeing our world. Our busy lives demand so much of our attention that moments of reflection are precious but all too often are overlooked. Capturing a momentary scene in paint saves that moment for subsequent reflection". Listings wanted by Art Brokerage.

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