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  • Ned Evans Bio Image
  • Ned Evans

    United States

    Art Brokerage: Ned Evans American Artist: b. 1950. Ned Evans was born in 1950. This means that he learned to read using a very particular first book. Dick and Jane was the chosen reading primer of the public school system at that time. The main activities of Dick and Jane were looking and seeing. How did it happen that the book chosen to teach reading to American children of the Fifties was coincidentally the perfect picture book for the development of optical perception? Perhaps it was no coincidence. After all, western visual tradition since the Renaissance has been concerned with using the eyes to grab and apprehend the world. America of the Fifties shared a similar ambition. It was poised to grab the international political and cultural spotlight from Europe. Listings wanted.

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Calcutta 2007 24x30 Original Painting - Ned Evans

Ned Evans

Calcutta 2007 24x30

Original Painting: Acrylic on Canvas, Over Wood, Hand Signed

Size: 24x29 in  | 60x74 cm
Acrylic on Canvas on Wood
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Shard 2004 20x32 Original Painting - Ned Evans

Ned Evans

Shard 2004 20x32

Original Painting: Acrylic on Fiberglass, Hand Signed

Size: 29x32x4 in  | 74x81x10 cm
Acrylic on Fibreglass - California Artist
Make Offer / Ask Question I have one and want to sell it
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Wanted: Ned Evans

Original Painting: Any other works


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