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  • Rene Margotton Bio Image
  • Rene Margotton


    Art Brokerage: René Margotton French Artist: Rene Margotten was a French painter of School of Paris one of the last cubist of the 20th century, born in Roanne, France, in 1915 and died in 2009. He studied at the cole nationale supérieure des beaux-arts of Paris and later with Fernand Léger friend of Maurice Utrillo and Bernard Buffet. Margotton used watercolors early on in his career, he later experimented with oils and continued to work almost exclusively in that medium. He often conceived his work according to the rigorous laws of composition, using an almost architectural foundation of solidly constructed volumes. Margotton's paintings, largely landscapes and figurative subjects, are simple and direct at first glance. A closer look, however, reveals his tendency to render the concrete abstract, and to formulate a symbolic, even metaphysical myth from that which is real and present. With powerful expression and vibrant color, Margotton combines a vigor and vitality which demonstrates not only his strong understanding of the relationship between form and color, but also his physical and spiritual expression of life and the visual world. Listings wanted by Art Brokerage.

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