  • Grim Natwick Bio Image
  • Grim Natwick

    United States

    Art Brokerage: Myron "Grim" Natwick American Artist: b. 1890-1990. Myron "Grim" Natwick (1890-1990) was born in Wisconsin Rapids, WI. He was also an animator and film director. Natwick is best known for drawing the Fleischer Studio's most popular character, Betty Boop. Natwick studied at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Natwick's artistic career started with cover designs for sheet music, initially for a friend who worked at a music publishing company. Natwick worked for a number of American animation studios. At Disney, Natwick was a lead animator on Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and was instrumental in bringing the titular heroine to life. While working for the Fleischer studios in 1939, Natwick was in charge of drawing the Prince and the Princess for Gulliver's Travels. He also helped to animate Mickey Mouse in Fantasia, Mr. Magoo, Popeye, Felix the Cat and many other 40s and 50s cartoon greats. Natwick died on October 7, 1990 in Los Angeles, California of both pneumonia and a heart attack, just weeks after having a 100th birthday party with friends such as Shamus Culhane. In 2010, the Wisconsin Historical Society erected a memorial plaque to Grim Natwick in Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin. South Wood County Historical Museum in Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin is home to an extensive Grim Natwick exhibit. Since 2010, the Grim Natwick Film Festival has been held annually over three days in Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin featuring animators from across the state and beyond in panels and screenings of work. Listings wanted by Art Brokerage.

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