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  • Thomas Agrinier Bio Image
  • Thomas Agrinier


    Art Brokerage: Thomas Agrinier French Artist: b. 1976. Thomas Agrinier's paintings, at first glance, amaze with their borrowings: faces from comics, characters from television series, a bestiary reminiscent of classic cartoons, kitsch aesthetic, and allusions to Bacon. Self-taught, Thomas Agrinier comes from a musical universe. "A kind of simplicity is happening, which I want to exploit", says the artist, born in Lyon in 1976, and who became Parisian two years later. Former guitarist and composer, hip hop and jazz trendy, for ten years he has devoted himself entirely to painting, practiced as an autodidact since the age of nineteen. It is by dint of experiments, sticking stickers for example, that he designed an original pictorial way, profoundly renewing the adventure of Figuration. By multiplying the layers, by wiping them by hand, by cooking the material of each canvas for a month, by playing "the graphic and the organic" until the "optical illusion" works wonderfully. , he manages to ensure that "the eye can wander well, on condition that the primary intention is still there". Listings wanted.

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Wanted: Thomas Agrinier

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