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"Man 2 Dogs 24x18" by Richard Burnside - Oil on Canvas $2,500
Man 2 Dogs 24x18 Original Painting by Richard Burnside
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Man 2 Dogs 24x18 Original Painting by Richard Burnside - 1

Man 2 Dogs 24x18

Richard Burnside

Original Painting : Oil on Canvas
Size : 24x18 x0.5 in  |  61x46 x1 cm

Listing Info
Artist Bio

Hand SignedLower right 

Condition Excellent 

Not Framed 

Purchased fromPrivate Collector 2005 

Certificate of AuthenticityArt Brokerage 


Richard Burnside - United States

Art Brokerage: Richard Burnisde American Artist: Burnside began creating his paintings in his mid-30's as a way to find relief from night visions of ancient times, he says. The primitive works by this African-American artist are painted in oil based enamel paint on paper bags and plywood, and occasionally gourds or furniture, with specific details sometimes highlighted with painted pieces of pine cones or twigs. Vivid colors and repeated dot patterns recall aboriginal designs. Recurring images and symbols derived from his visions include the white wolf, a jungle cat, and ancient kings and queens. Listings wanted.

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